Herbali proefresultaten

Herbali Trial Results 1 - Kiel University of Applied Science - Under-root fertilization in maize

Summary Introduction to the Test Results:

The experiment focused on the effect of different root fertilizers and their amounts on the development of young maize plants. The experiment was carried out on a test field in Lindeberg, where the conditions were almost perfect for the growth of maize. The study investigated various aspects such as the development of the root system, the maturation of the plants, the weight of the cobs and the final yield.

Herbali, an organic liquid fertilizer from Vossen The New Farming, played a role in this study. The product consists of seaweed and herbal extracts, and has a positive effect on the growth of fine roots, which is crucial for the water and nutrient uptake of the plants. During the experiment it turned out that the Herbali plots were very well developed after the treatment with Herbali, which resulted in a much better overall development of young plants in these plots.

Although the results varied between the different tillage methods, the combination of 20/20 1 dt fertilizer with Herbali was qualitatively and energetically the best. This suggests that Herbali, in combination with the right fertilizers, makes an important contribution to the quality and yield of the corn, especially in years without extreme weather conditions.

In short, it can be said that Herbali is a valuable addition to root fertilization, especially by promoting fine root growth and improving overall plant development under ideal growing conditions.